Attributes of a scaled-down MES
D-Factory is based upon the standard MES definition, but will have fewer components.
Following is a list of major components that must be addressed,
and some suggested approaches:
Configuration manager / wizard
Deployable on x86 systems:
Windows 2000, Windows XP
Linux (RedHat, Mandrake)
JAVA-based, access with web-browser (e.g., Netscape, Opera, etc)
Open Database Base Connectivity (ODBC), JAVA ODBC (JDBC)
Linux (RedHat, Mandrake)
SQL services:
GPL -- msql, Mysql or postgres
non-GPL -- Oracle, MS sqlserver
Resource definition
Supplier / Vendor definition
Shipping destination
ITEM control, with versioning
BOM control, with versioning
Inventory tracking
Create Demand / Workorder
Two simple interfaces:
1. Retrieve Work Orders thru scheduler interface
2. Single production order (with defaults)
Work Instructions
Use simple templates to define and play:
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG drawings
WAV, AU audio clips
MPG, AVI, ASF video clips
Data Collection (e.g. on-line bar code driven traveler)
NC control with versioning (keep it very simple!)
API types:
client control (e.g. operating system)
server control (e.g. SCADA)
data interchange
Alarming / Alerts
Workflow control
Employee / labor resources
Reporting / Documents (via predefined templates)
Equipment status
Material Consumption
Work-In-Process (WIP) tracking (by part, assembly or sub-assembly)
Conditional Routing
integrated Statistical Process Control (SPC)
share production data in real time with other locations
Follow these links for more information on major MES components:
MES Standard Functional Diagram
MES minimal Functional Diagram